
Name Data Type Is Nullable
Id Integer False
WarehouseId Integer False
ReferenceCode String False
EffectiveDate DateTime True
ExpirationDate DateTime True
Comment String False
AllocationGroupId Integer False
SystemAllocationMethodId Integer False
MaximumPercentage Decimal False
StatisticId Integer True
AverageMonths Integer True

Exclude most recent months from averaging. Enter -2 to exclude the 2 most recent months.

Integer True
CreatedOn DateTime False
CreatedBy Integer False
ModifiedOn DateTime False
ModifiedBy Integer False
InactiveOn DateTime True
InactiveBy Integer True
IsInactive Boolean False
WarehouseId::Warehouse.Name String False
WarehouseId_FormattedValue String False
AllocationGroupId::AllocationGroup.ReferenceCode String False
AllocationGroupId::AllocationGroup.Name String False
AllocationGroupId_FormattedValue String False
SystemAllocationMethodId::SystemAllocationMethod.Name String False
SystemAllocationMethodId_FormattedValue String False
StatisticId::Statistic.Name String False
StatisticId_FormattedValue String False


    EffectiveDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    ExpirationDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    CreatedOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    ModifiedOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    InactiveOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",