
Name Data Type Is Nullable
Id Integer False
SystemApInvoiceTypeId Integer False
accountsPayableAccountId Integer False
VendorId Integer False
ReferenceCode String False
DocumentReference String False
InvoiceDate DateTime True
IsPosted Boolean False
PostDate DateTime True
PostedBy Integer True
SelectedForPayment Boolean False
SelectedForPaymentOn DateTime True
SelectedForPaymentBy Integer True
ApTermId Integer False
DueDate DateTime True
DiscountDate DateTime True
Comment String False

Enter a validation amount to force the total of the charges to match this amount before this invoice can be paid or posted.

Note: The default amount of $0.00 will not trigger validation

Decimal True
Discount Decimal True
ShowComment Boolean False
ApTemplateId Integer True
CreatedOn DateTime False
CreatedBy Integer False
ModifiedOn DateTime False
ModifiedBy Integer False
InactiveOn DateTime True
InactiveBy Integer True
IsInactive Boolean False
GlDate DateTime True
Voided Boolean False
VoidedOn DateTime True
VoidedBy Integer True
SystemApInvoiceTypeId::SystemApInvoiceType.Name String False
SystemApInvoiceTypeId_FormattedValue String False
accountsPayableAccountId::GlAccount.AccountNumber String False
accountsPayableAccountId::GlAccount.Description String False
AccountsPayableAccountId_FormattedValue String False
VendorId::Contributor.ReferenceCode String False
VendorId::Contributor.Name String False
VendorId_FormattedValue String False
PostedBy::User.UserName String False
PostedBy_FormattedValue String False
ApTermId::ApTerm.Name String False
ApTermId_FormattedValue String False
ApTemplateId::ApTemplate.ReferenceNo String False
ApTemplateId_FormattedValue String False
SelectedForPaymentBy::User.UserName String False
SelectedForPaymentBy_FormattedValue String False
VoidedBy::User.UserName String False
VoidedBy_FormattedValue String False


    InvoiceDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    PostDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    SelectedForPaymentOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    DueDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    DiscountDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    CreatedOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    ModifiedOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    InactiveOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    GlDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    VoidedOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",