
Name Data Type Is Nullable
IsInactive Boolean False
Id Integer False
Name String False
AddressLine1 String False
AddressLine2 String False
City String False
StateOrProvinceId Integer True
PostalCode String False
CountryId Integer True
Telephone String False
TelephoneExt String False
Fax String False
Contact String False

The address the system will use as the "sender" for all email messages

String False

Default value to apply to donated product for accounting purposes

Decimal True

If checked, the CR (Credit Memo) and DB (Debit Memo) indicators will be appended (to the end) to the transaction references. If unchecked, they will prepended (to the beginning) to the transaction reference.

Boolean False

If checked, all newly added products will automatically default as abled to be covered by grants

Boolean False

If checked, a numeric reference number will be appended to the product reference if the user enters 3 or fewer characters (4 characters if the final character is a hyphen ('-'))

Boolean False
FeedingAmericaAffiliateId String False

The recipient email address to use when sending Feeding America Blue Receipt reports

String False

If checked, use nutrition value from the product record. If unchecked, use nutrition value entered on the receipt.

Boolean False
NextMonitoredLeadTime Integer True
ArStatementsFile String False
DaysBetweenStats Integer True
AgencyMemo String False
UseEntryComplete Boolean False

The number of invoices to print by default. This option only works when viewing/printing from 3rd party PDF viewer such as Adobe Reader.

Integer False
PromptForOrderInProcess Boolean False
PrintOnOrderReleaseFile String False

If checked, the price entered on the order will persist through the order proces. If unchecked, the price of a product will be recaclulated based on the actual inventory used to fulfill the order.

Boolean False

Group order selection bar code labels by storage, then by order, rather than by order, then by storage

Boolean False
AutoApplyGrantsOrderEntry Boolean False

If enabled, this option will display notes from line items on the pick lists.

Boolean False

A static message to display on all printed and emailed agency invoices

String False
SmtpHost String False
SmtpDomain String False
SmtpUserName String False
SmtpPassword String False
SmtpUseSSL Boolean False
SmtpUseDefaultCredentials Boolean False
SmtpPort Integer True
SmtpTimeout Integer True
SmtpTargetName String False

A static message to display on all printed and emailed donor/vendor receipts

String False
MaxQuantity Integer False
MaxFoodbankCost Decimal False
MaxDonorValue Decimal False
MaxPrice Decimal False
MaxUnitWeight Decimal False
MaxReceivedWeight Decimal False
MaxServiceFee Decimal False
MaxAgencyPickupQuantity Integer False
AgencyPickupReviewDay Integer False
AgencyPickupLastReviewed DateTime False
IsagencyPickupBeingReviewed Boolean False

If checked, the warehouse management system is enabled and inventory/warehouse activities must be performed on a pallet level basis

Boolean False

Requires a pallet scan when picking product to commit to transactions such as orders, food boxes or warehouse transfers

Boolean False

If checked, displays a warning when a product is being transformed into a product in another category (i.e. purchased to donated product)

Boolean False

Max Weight Variance Allowed on Transform

Decimal True

If checked, allows part of the product from a pallet to be transferred to another warehouse. If unchecked, all transfers must consist of full pallets

Boolean False
NeverCommitFromBulkAfterPicked Boolean False
MaxCaseLabels Integer False
DefaultFundGLCashAccountID Integer True
UseDefaultAmount Boolean False
PledgeRoundingAmount Decimal False
UseForceProperCaseOnSav Boolean False
UseDefaultCreditCardDateToLastUsed Boolean False
UseLockGLAccountsinDonation Boolean False
UseLockFinancialDonorRef Boolean False
DefaultAreaCode String False

Requires the agency to sign for an order using their PIN code

Boolean False
UseForceLastDayForStats Boolean False
MaximumFutureDaysForStats Integer False
UseAllowSubmitOrder Boolean False
UseForceDefaultDelivery Boolean False
DefaultDelivery String False

Disables all agency access to PWW

Boolean True

The maximum time of day an order can be placed and have the current day count in the fulfillment schedule

String False

The # of days after an online order is placed before the order can be picked up or delivered

Integer True

The maximum # of days after an online order is placed before it must be picked up or delivered

Integer True

Turns off the ability for agencies to enter and submit online orders

Boolean False

Do not allow new online orders to be entered if an existing order for the agency exists that has not reached the specified status

Integer True
UseStopNewPWWOrdersOnly Boolean False

Allow agencies to select from which warehouse they would like to place an order

Boolean False
OrderEntryContactOption Integer False

The number of hours after entry begins for an online order before the order must be placed; otherwise, it is automatically cancelled.

Enter 0 to disable this feature.

Integer False
UseAgencyStatisticsRequired Boolean False

This is the maximum number of days since an agency last entered statistics that they can wait to enter new statistics. If this wait time is exceeded then that agency will not be able to place orders on PWW until they update their statistics.

Integer False
IsDisableStatistics Boolean False

Disables the printable version of the shopping list

Boolean False
ShowDateLogMobile Boolean False

If checked, this allows agencies to select an order pickup date/time from a list of food bank defined time slots when placing an order in the online catalog

Boolean False
UseLiveScheduleDelivery Boolean False
AlternateAgencyPickupWarehouseId Integer True
UseEmailMobileReceipt Boolean False
MessageRescheduleOrder String False

The order is marked as "confirmed" upon submission of the agency's signature/pin

Boolean False
FederalEIN String False
GrantPostDate String False
UseARConfirmedDate Boolean False
UseGLInventory Boolean False
PostDonated Boolean False
PostAdjustmentsByProdCat Boolean False
GlAccountMask String False

Password for Saving Unbalanced Journal Entries

String False

The Password Required for Reopening a Fiscal Year

String False

Password for Closing Journal Entries

String False

Default GL account to use when creating AP invoices and payments

Integer True

Default GL account for AP Discounts to use when creating AP invoices and payments

Integer True

Default GL account for bank account when posting an AP invoice payment. Will be overridden by GL account for financial institution account when applicable

Integer True
AccountingCurrentPeriod DateTime True

This controls the beginning month/day of the organization's fiscal year

DateTime True
ApCheckPrintFlag Boolean True
ApAccrualFlag Boolean True
UseAllowDuplicateAPChecks Boolean True
UseAPPostComments Boolean True

The earliest date that can be processed for a transaction in the system. Used to avoid misentered/mistyped dates that could affect historical reporting.

DateTime True

The latest date that can be processed for a transaction in the system. Used to avoid misentered/mistyped dates that could cause future reporting issues.

DateTime True
CreatedOn DateTime False
CreatedBy Integer False
ModifiedOn DateTime False
ModifiedBy Integer False
InactiveOn DateTime True
InactiveBy Integer True

If checked, users will not be able to change autoreferences if the system is set to autogenerate reference numbers. This setting will be overridden by the special user setting that allows changing of reference codes.

Boolean False
SystemInstallLogId Integer True

The interval (in minutes) at which the system sends any scheduled messages

Integer False

The interval (in minutes) at which the system executes and sends any scheduled reports

Integer False

The interval (in minutes) at which the system activates any scheduled physical inventory counts

Integer False

The maximum number of emails the system will attempt to send per execution interval

Integer False

Require all approval levels less than or equal to the purchase amount to approve the po before the transaction can continue

Boolean False
AgencyStatisticsFrequencyId Integer True
WebWindowContent1 String False
WebWindowContent2 String False

The background color of the web window's main navigation

String False

The background color of the web window's page footer

String False

The text color of the web window's main navigation

String False

The text color of the web window's page footer

String False

If checked, this option enables the added security feature of requiring users to type their password into the login form and does not allow pasted or saved passwords

Boolean False

If checked, this option allows Primarius users to request a password reset from the login form

Boolean False

If checked, this option allows web window users to request a password reset from the login form

Boolean False
MinimumGLPostingDate DateTime False

If populated, this value will be used to adjust the agency statistic totals used in statistic based allocations (ex. 2 = double, .5 = half)

Decimal True

Select a third party application to integrate with for accounting functions

Integer True

When an order is reviewed, do NOT automatically send an email.

Boolean False

Select a third party system to integrate with for product nutrition ranking

Integer True

The time (in minutes) between agency order pickups on a particular shipping dock

Integer False
DefaultTimeZone String False

Require all approval levels less than or equal to the GL journal amount to approve the entry before the posting can continue

Boolean False

Select a Gl Transaction Code for the Year End Process

Integer True
OrderGlPostingDateTypeId Integer True
OrderGrantGlPostingDateTypeId Integer True

Enables job tracking from the volunteer time clock

Boolean False
VolunteerPortalContent1 String False
VolunteerPortalContent2 String False

The background color of the volunteer portal's main navigation

String False

The background color of the volunteer portal's page footer

String False

The text color of the volunteer portal's main navigation

String False

The text color of the volunteer portal's page footer

String False

The maximum time of day an order can be picked up by an agency

String False

If checked, this option requires users logging into Primarius to also enter a separate code generated by a third party provider (i.e. Two Factor Authentication)

Boolean False

If filled in, this will display on the check out page when agencies check out when ordering online

String False

When checked, immediately mark a prereceipt detail as complete after quantity entered when scanned in WMS prereceipt pallet entry. This will ONLY affect bar coding, and not P2 Core.

Boolean False

If enabled, this option will cause any agency with a zero balance for the period to not have a statement generated for them

Boolean False

If checked, defaults agency statement settings to exclude credit balances from the generated statements

Boolean False

If enabled, this option will allow the system to send the agency statement to the 'Order Email' contact for the agency

Boolean False

This message will be displayed on all agency statements

String False

If enabled, this option automatically schedules agency statements to be generated every month

Boolean False

When checked, P2 core will allow ordering past agency's credit limits. PWW not affected.

Boolean False

If checked, available grants will be displayed on agency invoices

Boolean False

If checked, all available grants will be displayed on agency statements

Boolean False

If enabled, this option automatically schedules donor statements to be generated every month

Boolean False

This message will be displayed on all donor statements

String False

If enabled, this option will allow the system to send the donor statement to the 'Receipt Email' contact for the donor

Boolean False

The interval (in minutes) at which the system runs its maintenance routine

Integer False

The interval (in minutes) at which the system archives GL summary data

Integer False

Prevents agencies from changing shipping method when checking out in PWW

Boolean False

Prevents agencies from changing shipping contact when checking out in PWW

Boolean False

Prevents agencies from changing pickup warehouse when checking out in PWW

Boolean False

Prevents agencies from changing shipping address when checking out in PWW

Boolean False

Maximum days to display previously unreconciled deposits (by deposit date) for a bank reconcilation (0=no limit).

Integer False

If checked, when creating a new agency payment and there is an unposted deposit with the same deposit type as the agency payment, do NOT automatically assign the agency payment to the most recently created deposit. Will need to manually assign agency payments to deposit.

Boolean False

If checked, allows part of the product from a pallet to be combined with another pallet. If unchecked, all combine pallets must consist of full pallets

Boolean False

When voiding AP payments, make the date of the void the same as the date the payment is being voided, rather than the original date.

Boolean False

If checked, this option prevents PWW users from changing their own password on the Edit Profile page

Boolean False

If checked, If voiding an AP invoice, and the GL period of that invoice is currently closed, change the invoice date to today, so as not to have to reopen a closed GL period. PLEASE NOTE: if there are grant allocations used, this will mean that there can be grant allocations used outside of the defined date range if the invoice is voided on a date after the the expiration/extended date.

Boolean False
IncludeDeliveryTime Boolean False

If checked, expected date on Receipt/PO/PreReceipt/Debit Memo must be within company minimum and maxmimum transaction dates.

Boolean False

If checked, donor invoice date on Receipt/PO/PreReceipt/Debit Memo must be within company minimum and maxmimum transaction dates.

Boolean False

If checked, when picking orders, do not allow picking from a bulk location. If transaction does not have enough available inventory in pick locations, picking for that order is halted until replenished.

Boolean False

When a receipt is converted to an order, stop the order at the status selected.

Integer False

If checked, this option prevents users who are not the creator of a report to save changes to that report

Boolean False

If checked, this setting will validate inventory transactions to keep an individual pallet from being over the product's defined TI-HI quantity

Boolean False

If checked, agencies in PWW will have a grid to enter inventory counts and will NOT be able use Client Orders

Boolean False

When agency inventory using grid is turned on and for initial data entry only, look at all products on confirmed orders within this many months and also for product categories that require agency inventory reporting to build the grid of products for initial data entry, quantity will default to zero if not found.

Integer False

If checked, show input for VAP value on receipt detail and product transform

Boolean False

How early can maintenance tasks begin running

DateTime True

How late can maintenance tasks begin running

DateTime True

If checked, automatically schedule an inventory transaction report to be generated for the previous month when the month is over.

Boolean False
DefaultSystemOrderDateTypeId Integer False

When posting inventory to GL, if there are confirmed orders or inventory adjustments that use product from unconfirmed receipts, allow the posting of those that have confirmed receipts, rather than preventing any posting. Unconfirmed receipts will still need to be confirmed before COGS or inventory adjustments using those receipts can be posted to GL for COGS or inventory adjustments.

Boolean False

'Number of days before an agency is set to next be monitored to generate a reminder to assigned users for that agency (0=do not send a reminder)

Integer False

If checked, automatically post AR to GL during off hours.

Boolean False

If checked, automatically post IC to GL during off hours.

Boolean False

When generating detail on an allocation batch, if this box checked and the amount needed to reach the allocation maximum percentage for the last agency for a product would need to go over the percentage, do not adjust up.

Boolean False

If checked, automatically generate AP invoices from confirmed receipts during off hours.

Boolean False

If checked, automatically post AP invoices to GL during off hours.

Boolean False

If checked, the alt reference id fields will not be editable in the application forms. This is usually checked if 3rd party software packages are using these fields.

Boolean False

The duration (in minutes) of inactivity before the user is automatically logged out of the core software

Integer False

The duration (in minutes) of inactivity before the user is automatically logged out of PWW

Integer False

The duration (in minutes) of inactivity before the user is automatically logged out WMS

Integer False

The duration (in minutes) of inactivity before the user is automatically logged out of the volunteer portal

Integer False

The warehouse to be used when receipt-to-order transactions (i.e. FA Meal Connect, etc.) are run by the system

Integer False

If enabled, this option will display packaging comments on pick lists.

Boolean False

If checked, display the reason that the agency is suspended in PWW

Boolean False

When adding a new product/warehouse, default whether to display on web shopping list to true

Boolean False

When adding a new product/warehouse, default whether to display on print shopping list to true

Boolean False
StateOrProvinceId::StateOrProvince.ReferenceCode String False
StateOrProvinceId::StateOrProvince.Name String False
StateOrProvinceId_FormattedValue String False
CountryId::Country.ReferenceCode String False
CountryId::Country.Name String False
CountryId_FormattedValue String False
DefaultFundGLCashAccountID::GlAccount.AccountNumber String False
DefaultFundGLCashAccountID::GlAccount.Description String False
DefaultFundGLCashAccountID_FormattedValue String False
StopNewOrderBefore::SystemOrderStatus.Name String False
StopNewOrderBefore_FormattedValue String False
AlternateAgencyPickupWarehouseId::Warehouse.ReferenceCode String False
AlternateAgencyPickupWarehouseId::Warehouse.Name String False
AlternateAgencyPickupWarehouseId_FormattedValue String False
GlAccountForAccountsPayableId::GlAccount.AccountNumber String False
GlAccountForAccountsPayableId::GlAccount.Description String False
GlAccountForAccountsPayableId_FormattedValue String False
GlAccountForAPDiscountsId::GlAccount.AccountNumber String False
GlAccountForAPDiscountsId::GlAccount.Description String False
GlAccountForAPDiscountsId_FormattedValue String False
GlAccountForAPBankId::GlAccount.AccountNumber String False
GlAccountForAPBankId::GlAccount.Description String False
GlAccountForAPBankId_FormattedValue String False
AgencyStatisticsFrequencyId::SystemFrequency.Name String False
AgencyStatisticsFrequencyId_FormattedValue String False
AccountingApplicationInterfaceId::ApplicationInterface.ReferenceCode String False
AccountingApplicationInterfaceId::ApplicationInterface.Name String False
AccountingApplicationInterfaceId_FormattedValue String False
NutritionApplicationInterfaceId::ApplicationInterface.ReferenceCode String False
NutritionApplicationInterfaceId::ApplicationInterface.Name String False
NutritionApplicationInterfaceId_FormattedValue String False
GlYearEndTransactionCodeId::GlTransactionCode.Name String False
GlYearEndTransactionCodeId::GlTransactionCode.Description String False
GlYearEndTransactionCodeId_FormattedValue String False
OrderGlPostingDateTypeId::SystemGlPostingDateType.Name String False
OrderGlPostingDateTypeId_FormattedValue String False
OrderGrantGlPostingDateTypeId::SystemGlPostingDateType.Name String False
OrderGrantGlPostingDateTypeId_FormattedValue String False
ReceiptToOrderSystemOrderStatusId::SystemOrderStatus.Id Integer False
ReceiptToOrderSystemOrderStatusId::SystemOrderStatus.Name String False
ReceiptToOrderSystemOrderStatusId_FormattedValue String False
DefaultSystemOrderDateTypeId::SystemOrderDateType.Name String False
DefaultSystemOrderDateTypeId_FormattedValue String False
DefaultReceiptToOrderWarehouseId::Warehouse.ReferenceCode String False
DefaultReceiptToOrderWarehouseId::Warehouse.Name String False
DefaultReceiptToOrderWarehouseId_FormattedValue String False


    AgencyPickupLastReviewed":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    AccountingCurrentPeriod":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    AccountingYearStartDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    TransactionCloseDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    TransactionEndDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    CreatedOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    ModifiedOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    InactiveOn":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    MinimumGLPostingDate":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    MaintenanceWindowStartTime":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",
    MaintenanceWindowEndTime":"MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss",