View API Endpoint Documentation


This API currently only supports Basic Authentication

  • Via Querystring

    Pass Base64 encoded string of 'Username:Password' as the querystring variable _auth

  • Via Header

    Pass Base64 encoded string of 'Username:Password' as the header variable Authorization

    Note: if using the Authorization header variable, you must specify the 'Basic' authentication method or provide the 'Bearer' keyword with your Base64 encoded credentials.

    **Example 1: Basic ABC12345P2TKN
    **Example 2: Bearer ABC12345P2TKN

    **You would replace ABC12345P2TKN with your Base64 encoded credentials in an actual request to the API

Common Parameters

If any parameter is not provided during the request the API will use the provided default value (if applicable)

  • pagesize - The number of records to return
    Default value: '10'. Maximum value allowed is 1000

  • pagenum - The page number to return using a zero based index (i.e. 0 equals page 1 of the results)
    Default value: '0'

  • sortdatafield - The name of the field to sort on
    Default value: 'Id' (the internal system id)

  • sortorder - The order in which to sort (ASC = Ascending/DESC = Descending)
    Default value: 'DESC'

  • filterscount - The number of filters being passed
    No default value

  • filterdatafieldN - The name of the field to filter on
    No default value

  • filteroperatorN - Whether the filter is mutually exclusive or comprehensive (Or/And)
    No default value

  • filtervalueN - The value to filter on
    No default value

  • filterconditionN - The type of filter. Must be one of the options below.
    No default value
    • contains - Field value contains the filter value
    • does_not_contain - Field value does not contain the filter value
    • equal - Field value is exactly the same as the filter value
    • not_equal - Field value is not the same as the filter value
    • less_than - Field value is less than the field
    • less_than_or_equal - Field value is less than or equal to the filter value
    • greater_than - Field value is greater than the filter value
    • greater_than_or_equal - Field value is greater than or equal to the filter value
    • starts_with - Field value begins with the filter value
    • ends_with - Field value ends with the filter value

**The N in the filter related parameters represents the index of the filter provided using zero based index


**All "paged" results are returned in the format of { totalrecords: ##, pagenumber: ##, pagesize: ##, data: [] }
  • totalrecords: Total number of records meeting the specified criteria
  • pagenumber The current page number of the result set
  • pagesize: The current page size of the result set
  • data: An array of record objects